We Believe all students can achieve at high levels!
At Olin Elementary, we believe in supporting the whole child. Students may find they’re in need of some additional support either behaviorally or academically throughout their school year. Teachers, administration, and support staff collaborate frequently to determine if a child needs more support in a certain area. Then, a plan is put in place to help this student be successful and meet his or her goals. The graphic below explains the Schoolwide PBIS philosophy, which is adapted and implemented by Olin CSD to ensure higher success for our students.
For academic supports, we have interventions that may include Title 1 support, 5 Minutes Matter site word and/or fact fluency practice, MTSS (RTI) reading groups, homework helper, etc. These supports go above what every student receives in their core classes. For behavior supports, we have interventions that include CICO (check-in/ check-out behavior sheets), CICO
Modified Features, SAIG (Social Academic Intervention Groups) On the next page, you can see guidelines
used to determine if a student may move in and out of tier 2 in our School-Wide PBIS System.

What is PBIS
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is an evidence-based three-tiered framework to improve and integrate all of the data, systems, and practices affecting student outcomes every day. PBIS creates schools where all students succeed.
The graphic below explains the Schoolwide PBIS philosophy, which is adapted and implemented by Olin CSD to ensure higher success for our students.
​Foundational Elements of PBIS
The four critical features of SW-PBIS include:
Locally-meaningful and culturally-relevant outcomes
Empirically-supported practices
Systems to support implementation
Data to monitor effective and equitable implementation and to guide decision making.
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Bully Prevention

Bullying has many formal definitions, but typically it is when someone repeatedly uses threats, intimidation or aggression to obtain objects, activities, or social gain from others. Bullying prevention focuses on the strategies for reducing bullying behavior by blending PBIS with explicit instruction and redefining the bullying construct. Teaching students to identify and respond effectively to the bullying and harmful behavior of others needs to match the students’ developmental level. The goal is the same – to reduce bullying behavior – but the process may look different across communities and across elementary, middle and high schools.
Olin School-Wide Expectations
Everyone in school should know what it means to be respectful. They should know what it looks like and how it feels to be respected. On the other side, they also should be able to identify if, when, and how someone else’s behavior is inappropriate. School-wide definitions help everyone stay consistent.
This is a guide for elementary schools implementing Tier 1 supports and where school-wide expectations are taught and acknowledged. Inside, schools get:
A process for self-assessing the core features of effective bullying prevention
Step-by-step guidelines and lesson plans for selecting and teaching signals and routines for responding to bullying behavior
Procedures for teaching students to recruit adult assistance
Strategies for collecting and using data to determine if effective bullying prevention practices are in place, and how effective they are.