Olin Elementary School
Our History. Our Vision. Our Mission.
We, the staff of Olin Consolidated School, are committed to providing students with the behavioral and academic skills required to reason, communicate, and live with dignity in a literate society. Our staff members seek to provide instruction that allows all students to reach their fullest potential. We will assist students in gaining the academic competence and the responsibility required to find success through their school years and into the world of work.
Our History
and Story
We Believe all students can achieve at high levels!
At Olin Elementary, we believe in supporting the whole child. Students may find they’re in need of some additional support either behaviorally or academically throughout their school year. Teachers, administration, and support staff collaborate frequently to determine if a child needs more support in a certain area. Then, a plan is put in place to help this student be successful and meet his or her goals.
For academic supports, we have interventions that may include Title 1 support, 5 Minutes Matter site word and/or fact fluency practice, MTSS (RTI) reading groups, homework helper, etc. These supports go above what every student receives in their core classes. For behavior supports, we have interventions that include CICO (check in/ check-out behavior sheets), CICO Modified Features, SAIG (Social Academic Instructional Groups) On the next page, you can see guidelines used to determine if a student may move in and out of tier 2 in our Schoolwide PBIS System
Through the Years